"Constitutional Culture" International Analitical Center

Non-commercial and non-membership organization created on voluntary contributions of assets of individuals and (or) legal persons to pursue scientific, educational and social goals.


Concept on Formation of the International Public Analytic Center
“The Constitutional Culture”

Prevention of social cataclysms, overcoming of the deficit of constitutionalism, establishment of the rule of law, guaranteeing sustainability for the development of public life are the most significant challenges of the new millennium.

They can be achieved through constitutionalization of the social relations, by guaranteeing the supremacy of Constitution in reality and ensuring a necessary level of the constitutional culture.

The constitutional culture is a culture of civilized cohabitation, which is more typical for the states and nations which have achieved a certain level of the democratic development. Its elements form and develop throughout history. However it reaches systemic integrity at a certain level of development, when along with the Constitution the necessary and sufficient level of constitutionalism is guaranteed while implementing the fundamental constitutional values and principles, when the rule of law becomes dominant.

Nevertheless in the contemporary world the deficit of constitutionalism reaches a dangerous scale, corruption reaches dangerous dimensions, the displacement of millions of people by force, social polarization and coalescence of the political, economic and administrative potential.

Specialists face a serious problem to present more sufficient solutions for the establishment of the necessary and sufficient level of constitutional culture in the public life and guaranteeing constitutionalism.

The latter requires consolidation of resources and continuous, systemic and consistent work.

Establishment of the international public analytic center “The Constitutional Culture” pursues this aim.

The initiative group targets to:
a) Develop an annual action plan regarding the presented fundamental issues which will include thematic discussions with the involvement of international experts and make the results accessible to the international community;
b) Pay particular attention to the development of the principal elements of transitology and its implementation in this sphere;
c) Based on international basic documents, conclusions of the Venice Commission, case law of the European Court of Human Rights suggest functional and institutional solutions for the introduction of a functional system for conducting constitutional diagnostics and constitutional monitoring;
d) Draft and publish resolutions regarding the real state of constitutional culture in some countries;
e) Support institutes of civil society for undertaking efficient measures in this sphere; f) Contribute to the achievement of consistent knowledge regarding constitutional culture among youth;
g) Organize youth festivals, Olympiads and scientific-practical discussions regarding the fundamental issues of the constitutional culture;
h) Ensure that the subject of the constitutional culture be widely taught in the specialized educational institutions, for that purpose prepare necessary programs and educational manuals;
i) Publish “Constitutional Culture” multilingual journal.

The initiative group:
Gagik Harutyunyan – President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia, Member of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) of the Council of Europe, Doctor of Law, Professor
Armen Harutyunyan – Judge of the European Court of Human Rights, Doctor of Law, Professor
Vardan Poghosyan – Substitute Member of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) of the Council of Europe, Constitutional Law expert